Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I hate that people can't take responsibility for the things they do.
Whatever the case may be.
My sister and brother are living too large. Meaning, they live above what they can really afford. They're behind on bills and when they need them paid, who do they come to?
I wouldn't mind so much, but they owe me money from 2-3 years ago.
Not to mention, I just paid their car payment a week or so ago.
Problem being, something they owe on is in my mom's name, so if they don't pay what they owe on it, my mom's credit suffers from it.
I guess, I'm kind of being vindictive and sticking it to everyone involved.
Trying to point out that people need to learn their lessons.

Just rather ironic, really. How I regret lending out money. When I don't, I still stress about it.

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